  • PRESALE Echeveria Arteusa, (Not so Random)
  • PRESALE Echeveria Arteusa, (Not so Random)

PRESALE Echeveria Arteusa, (Not so Random)

This is the last near mature sized Arteusa we have available at the moment. She's got a great shape and is measuring in at about 3" across.   

What makes this hybrid so special is non-stressed center growth can go very lilac, sometimes it's green in younger rosettes. Pink and lilac make for a beautiful rosette. These are some of the plumpest leaves you'll ever see on a rosette of this shape. And they go the most amazing shade of solid pink and stress very easily and hold stress colors for a long time. These are very hardy (we have never had a DOA or lost one in house). These reach in excess of 4" across. They're basically one of the best succulents for the new rare succulent collector and for experienced collectors as well, they're extremely rare. 

Presales in this category will ship within three weeks of your order date. Colors may be a result of plant stress, so she may change colors in the warmer months.

The photos for this plant were taken in March of 2019.  



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