Postpone Delivery
How to have us hold your order
We are asked to hold plants for a variety of reasons-- sometimes folks are traveling and won't be home to receive a shipment, sometimes there's unfavorable weather forecast in their location on delivery day and some folks just want to take advantage of additional combined shipping-- whatever the reason we're happy to help!
We only process hold requests via the website and these requests need to be in no later than Monday afternoon following a live plant upload. You do not need to email us directly to request a hold. Simply click the icon on this page and select a ship date for your order. 'Checkout' as you normally would-- don't worry-- there's no additional charges!) and this will put your order into a hold status until your desired ship date.
We can only hold plants up to 15 days following your first order. After this time your order will need to ship so your plants can start the rooting process. We value the quality of our plants and feel that holds past 15 days cause undue stress to the plants. We will care for your plants as if they were part of our own collection, but we do not water before shipping as it can cause rot and leaf drop in transit. Small changes can occur while plants are being held (such as consuming leaves for water reserves, color changes and even sometimes form changes). We cannot be held responsible for any changes to form/color/quality during the postpone period because these are living plants and sometimes the aforementioned changes do occur as they start to form roots. After the rooting process any form changes will even out in time and color and form will return with adequate lighting and care.
Thank you so much for your understanding around holds!