  • SALE! Graptoveria Debbie, Variegata

SALE! Graptoveria Debbie, Variegata

I love variegated Debbie so much, but she has some flaws. She is a super delicate unicorn and any bumping in transit and she will drop leaves (don't worry, we will package her extra careful, but when we import our plants ship with lots of other plants and sometimes damage is unavoidable because of this).

They also have fickle variegation. They might be variegated for a while and then drop it with no rhyme or reason and then pick it back up later.

For these reasons we don't import a lot of these, even though these are one of my favorite unicorns. This is the only one we have in stock. She was destined for White Peacock this year, but had some damage in transit, so we set her aside for sale.

Reason this cultivar is on sale: Lost leaves in transit

Size: 3.5" across

Rooted? Mature stem with some fresh roots starting to form

Grade: 6-7

Retail Price (if perfect): Had this Debbie arrived perfectly, she would have retailed for $85 on our site. 

This plant was listed on December 3rd, 2023.  The photos this plant were taken today under heavily overcast conditions. Symmetry changes can happen from the time photos were taken until the plants are delivered.

Cedar Creek Farmhouse Identification Number: RS12032319 (you will find this number on the ID stake shipped with your plant. You can type the ID # in our search bar at any time to review the our original photos and item description).  

Sorry, currently out of stock

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