  • Refuge Defender Roast
  • Refuge Defender Roast
  • Refuge Defender Roast
  • Refuge Defender Roast
  • Refuge Defender Roast

Refuge Defender Roast

Crafted from three single-origins, Brazil Mogiana, Colombia Cauca, and Guatemala Huehuetenango, Defender offers the perfect balance of sweetness, full body, and a syrupy richness. It’s perfect for a morning espresso.

So, what's special about this blend? Well, Defender is inspired by the classic Italian espresso. It’s full-bodied, rich, and sweet—just like an espresso should be. No fruity, floral notes here—just a classic, no-nonsense espresso. It’s the kind of coffee your Italian grandmother would slap you for messing up.

Now, about that name Defender. It comes from our owner Jim’s time spent in Italy, where he fell in love with true Italian espresso. After years of perfecting the craft, he wanted to create an espresso that would “defend” the rich, traditional flavors of Italian espresso. Which is rare in a world full of light, bright, and fruity espressos.

Crystal's Review: Defender is Refuge's best selling blend and it is rich and bold. It tastes the way coffee should, yet still holds its own with steamed milk. If you were to ask me 'Sugar and cream with your coffee?" my reply would have been, "coffee with my sugar and cream." Refuge has changed all of that for me and I sincerely enjoy the flavor of these beans with minimal additives. 

I work incredibly late hours with Cedar Creek Farmhouse and I have tried so many coffees over the years, but nothing holds a candle to Refuge. I'm so excited to share this special company with you guys. And your purchase supports some of the nicest people you're likely to encounter. And all beans used are sourced ethically and are fair trade certified (no slave labor is involved in the farming, and sourcing fair trade means a better future for the farmers who grew those coffees).

This week's coffee roast dates: March 17th-21st

This week's coffee ship dates: March 24th-25th

Our next online restock will be on: March 26th

The photos shown here are courtesy of Refuge and are used with permission. These are photos from their coffee shop. Please visit their shop online at:
