(UPDATED WITH PHOTOS) PRESALE Echeveria Scorpio, (Random)
Name Update- Yes, I'm a total dork and thought this translated into Scorpion. So sorry, These are actually Scorpios (blushing on this side of the screen).
We got our first few of these in and I can say, "Ah, now I get it..." The first photo is a couple of Scorpios under our in-house studio lights. The rock photo accurately reflects their in-person color, these are very, very dark, but they still have some green in the middle. The contrast of colors makes that particular photo looked photoshopped, but I assure you it's not. Just a rock, natural lighting (dusk) and a steady hand).
This is still a presale listing. Any Scorpions purchased from this listing will take about 2-3 weeks to ship.
This is one of the hot ones right now on social media. Scorpion has a black skin on the underside of its leaves, they can stress to very dark shades. On the upper part of the leaves you have a skin covered in fine, fuzzy hairs. This is a new hybrid. This is most likely a Setosa hybrid. These have been on the scene for about a month. They will measure in at about 1.75" across and come from the lot pictured. As always our plants ship free :)
Plant Name: Echeveria 'Scorpio' (Most likely a Setosa Hybrid)
Size at Maturity: This plant should max out at about 3" inches across mature scorpions, estimated.
Stress colors: I have seen this stressed to very black shades on social media, but everything that I've seen in terms of grower pictures has these pretty green on the inner parts of the plant, with the darkest shades being underneath.
Notable Qualities: This is a newly released cultivar. New to 2019.
Care Instructions: Typical succulent care, no known special requirements. Will actively grow from late spring-late summer, will be semi-dormant in winter through early spring.
Cedar Creek Farmhouse Identification Number: 201901
Date Listed: 3.9.19
Presales in this category will ship within three weeks of your order date. Colors may be a result of plant stress, so she may change colors in the warmer months.
The photos for this plant were taken in March of 2019.
Sorry, currently out of stock