  • 4th OF JULY FLASH SALE- DEAL #9 PRESALE Echeveria Ice Green
  • 4th OF JULY FLASH SALE- DEAL #9 PRESALE Echeveria Ice Green
  • 4th OF JULY FLASH SALE- DEAL #9 PRESALE Echeveria Ice Green

4th OF JULY FLASH SALE- DEAL #9 PRESALE Echeveria Ice Green

Deal #9 are chubby and mature Ice Greens. Some will be clusters, some will be single rosettes, they will be from this lot and your purchase will ship at random from the plants shown here. These should measure in at about 2-3" across.

Presales in this category will ship within three weeks of your order date. Colors may be a result of plant stress, so she may change colors in the warmer months.

The photos for these plants were in July of 2019.     



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