  • Echeveria Cubic Frost, Variegata

Echeveria Cubic Frost, Variegata

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Variegated Cubic Frost is enough to make anyone's heart flutter. This double is stunning. She is measuring in at about 4" across both stems. One stem is lilac, with just a touch of variegation and the other head is highly variegated. Stems are extremely loosely connected and it is possible they may separate in transit, but the variegated head has enough color in her leaves to support her if her stem separates.

Very light wrinkling on the underside of some of the most mature leaves, which is totally common with variegated Cubic Frosts, but it is really light. She traveled well. Just arrived this past week. 

This plant was listed on March 18th, 2023.  Photos were today, under natural light with heavy cloud cover. Slight symmetry and color changes can happen from the time photos were taken until the plants are delivered.

Plants shown may be exhibiting UV stress coloration. Please allow for slight color changes in transit. 

Cedar Creek Farmhouse Identification Number: RS03182319 (you will find this number on the ID stake shipped with your plant. You can type the ID # in our search bar at any time to review the our original photos and item description).  

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