Echeveria Lenore Dean, Variegata (Thick Leaf)
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There seems to be two types of Lenore Deans (also commonly called Compton Carousel). There is a form with almost paper thin leaves that can be extremely fickle and difficult to prevent rot in and one that has a thicker leaf and seems to be a little more hardy.
Comptons have a notorious reputation for being divas and it is well-earned. They can up and die out of nowhere, even if you do everything right. For this reason we generally only import clusters in the thin leaf form, or we look really hard to try to track down the ones that present with the thicker leaf type.
This is a single rosette with the thicker leaves. This doesn't mean that she won't pull a leaf or two as she is settling in, but it does mean that once she's established she won't be as fickle as her counterpart.
This is a small specimen, we really have to hunt these down so we are not always guaranteed a huge form on these. This one is measuring in at about 1.75" across and she has a thick, mature stem. Arrived this past week. If she gives you any trouble in her first three weeks at her new home, just reach out to us at and let us know.
This plant was listed on March 18th, 2023. Photos were today, under natural light with heavy cloud cover. Slight symmetry and color changes can happen from the time photos were taken until the plants are delivered.
Plants shown may be exhibiting UV stress coloration. Please allow for slight color changes in transit.
Cedar Creek Farmhouse Identification Number: RS03182347 (you will find this number on the ID stake shipped with your plant. You can type the ID # in our search bar at any time to review the our original photos and item description).
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