  • SECOND CHANCE! GUYS ONLY!! JUST CART! PRESALE Haworthia Reinwardtii, (Not So Random)
  • SECOND CHANCE! GUYS ONLY!! JUST CART! PRESALE Haworthia Reinwardtii, (Not So Random)

SECOND CHANCE! GUYS ONLY!! JUST CART! PRESALE Haworthia Reinwardtii, (Not So Random)

This is a Father's Day only Just Cart! If you are a girl please refrain from purchasing this listing, it will be cancelled, this one is just for our guys tonight. 

This is a second chance for our guys tonight, we had a gal that picked this up the first time-- super sweet lady, just didn't have a chance to read it all the way through. But, I do want this to go to one of our gentlemen tonight though :) Happy Father's Day!

I have one of these in my collection and she's nearly a foot across and beet red, absolutely gorgeous plant. I wanted to share one of these with our fellas tonight. This one is going to measure in at about 2" across. 

Presales in this category will ship within three weeks of your order date. Colors may be a result of plant stress, so she may change colors in the warmer months.

The photos for this plant were taken in June of 2019.  


Sorry, currently out of stock

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