  • SPECIAL! JUST CART!! Echeveria Potosina
  • SPECIAL! JUST CART!! Echeveria Potosina
  • SPECIAL! JUST CART!! Echeveria Potosina

SPECIAL! JUST CART!! Echeveria Potosina

Can't go to bed without giving you guys something for joining us tonight. We will resume this upload first thing in the morning, around 8:00 AM on the East Coast. We don't send out text before 2:00 PM, EST because we have a lot of customers in Hawaii. But, if you would like a text when we resume our live upload in the morning text CCFEARLY to 555-888 and we'll send you a one-time text. 

Up for grabs is a perfectly symmetrical Potosina. She's an icy, chalky pink and has an older root system. She is not fully stressed, but these throw gorgeous colors with just a little effort.

She measures in at 1.75" across.


Sorry, currently out of stock

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