  • SPECIAL!! JUST CART!! PRESALE Echeveria Berkeley Light Sp, (Not So Random)
  • SPECIAL!! JUST CART!! PRESALE Echeveria Berkeley Light Sp, (Not So Random)
  • SPECIAL!! JUST CART!! PRESALE Echeveria Berkeley Light Sp, (Not So Random)

SPECIAL!! JUST CART!! PRESALE Echeveria Berkeley Light Sp, (Not So Random)

So listen, Berkeleys are super tempermental, no matter when you import them. She may come in perfect, just like the photos, or she may open or stretch. She is super unique, you don't normally see these red bands of color on these. I had to get her, but knowing their personality I wanted to gift her.  She's measuring in at just under 3" in her current semi-closed state. 

Presales in this category will ship within three weeks of your order date. Colors may be a result of plant stress, so she may change colors in the warmer months.

The photos for this plant were taken in June of 2019.   



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