STOCKING STUFFER SALE! Paperwhite Forcing Kit
You will select your shipping service on your first order each week. You will not be charged any additional shipping on subsequent orders for this week.
We are doing a special listing for three nights (December 9th, 10th and 11th). Each night at 9:45 PM, EST we will list 16 special stocking stuffer items. Most non-living, retail items will be 50-70% off and perfectly sized for gift giving. Some sale succulents sprinkled in. Nothing over $25.
This deal was part of Saturday's listing and was Stocking Stuffer Deal #7. There are currently still a few of this deal available for purchase.
This kit is curated by us and includes a healthy bulb, one forcing glass, some black river stones (enough to fill the glass to the appropriate level), care instructions and a little muslin gift bag (non-printed). Paperwhites have a super sweet fragrance that will brighten any winter office.
The flowers shown were grown from the same lot of bulbs we are using in the kit and was planted in late October.