  • Cold Outside? FREE HEAT PACK, (With Plant Purchase)

Cold Outside? FREE HEAT PACK, (With Plant Purchase)

Our heat packs are complimentary. We feel that if they're necessary to get your plants to you safe and sound, then they're a cost of doing business that we should shoulder.

That said, heat packs can harm the plants if they get too hot and they're not always temperature stable. We try to position these in our boxes in such a way that it won't cause harm to your plants, but because the temperature in your box is now warmer than what it would generally be for the season, the plants may open, change colors, et cetera.

This is a risk you take as a customer if you add a heat pack (obviously, we will work with you if something like that happens, but please be aware of the risk associated with heat packs, alternatively at your request we can hold your live plant order for up to two weeks if you think conditions will improve).

We absolutely recommend heat packs if your expected forecast dips below 32 degrees-- but anything above freezing we would not suggest using a heat pack. Succulents love cold stress and they will be packaged warmly.  

You may add a heat pack free of charge to your order at the time of checkout (or anytime before you receive tracking information, once you receive tracking information for your order then it's too late to change/add a heat pack.

We will only add one heat pack per box. If you do not have an active plant order and you place an order for a heat pack it will be cancelled. Heat packs are only for customers that have open plant orders.

In autumn of 2020 we have upgraded our heat pack to the highest quality heat pack currently on the market, our heat packs are rated to keep our packages warm for up to 96 hours, however please remember that this is a guideline for how long the heat pack will last and individual heat pack outputs vary a little.

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