PRESALE 'My Way,' (Random)
OK, there's unicorns of every sub family. We had something similar to this called a 'Gold Pie' and it absolutely blew my mind. This is a creamy rainbow version called 'My Way.' I'm sure these are not the technical, scientifical names for these and if that bothers you I'm really sorry, I am learning Korean, but there's only so many hours in the day.
I asked our grower what was up with these and he said they were a sedum, which makes since because they are incredibly fuzzy almost like a Hintonii, but they are more tree-like and have sturdy branches.
At any rate managed to snag three clusters. One will remain at Cedar Creek. These are measuring in at about 3.5-4" across.
Presales in this category will ship within three weeks of your order date. Colors may be a result of plant stress, so she may change colors in the warmer months.
The photos for this plant were taken in March of 2019.
Sorry, currently out of stock