  • Echeveria Bluette, Variegated Cluster

Echeveria Bluette, Variegated Cluster

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Guys, it's winter and January is our hardest month for cold weather. We shot videos today until the sun went down, and then we had to be conscientious of frost. Right now we pull all of our plants out to take photos outdoors, late last week we saw frost producing temps as soon as the sun went down, so we promptly pulled the plants back in at sundown, so I don't have anymore videos to show you guys tonight. Photos were take today. Any plant that doesn't sell tonight, please rest assured we'll add a video for you guys tomorrow to take a peek at. 

This is a gorgeous Bluette cluster. Four heads and three have some level of variegation. One is positively glowing. Measures in at about 4.5" across. Mature stem, some sparse, but mature roots from the cultivating farm. Cluster is mature and intact.

Our photos and videos were taken today. This plant was listed to our site on January 23rd, 2021. Plants shown may be exhibiting winter stress coloration. 

Cedar Creek Farmhouse Identification Number: 1232237 (you will find this number on the ID stake shipped with your plant. You can type the ID # in our search bar at any time to review the our original photos and item description).  

Sorry, currently out of stock

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