  • Echeveria Brave Cristata
  • Echeveria Brave Cristata
  • Echeveria Brave Cristata

Echeveria Brave Cristata

Hello guys! Thanks for joining me tonight! I have missed in-stocks. These photos were just taken this afternoon, so these plants are starting to come in gorgeous with the cooler temps.

Up first tonight is a huge Brave Cristata. She's not throwing crazy colors yet, but some of the ones we have listed in Randoms have also started to come in and they're throwing very pretty colors. So, if you miss this one and want one we should be shipping those Random Braves next week. 

This crest is measuring 4.75" across, she has an old root system, but it's pretty dense. Her plethora of tiny little jam-packed leaves sits atop a few fan stems. She's really something to behold in person. She will stress to gorgeous colors if you live in a colder climate.


Sorry, currently out of stock

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