  • Echeveria Butterfield
  • Echeveria Butterfield

Echeveria Butterfield

This is one you won't find anywhere else. These just cost too much to import and most sellers aren't willing to sell them this close to cost, but I want to see unusual varieties like this being sold and shared in the US. My cost on this one is only a couple of dollars below the list price here, after free shipping I will lose a few bucks, but I just feel it's so important to keep the US market fresh.

She's not going to be everybody's cup of tea, but there's something really interesting about her. The heads are very small, each measuring about an inch. She's got a waxy farina, almost like that of a Dudleya, but with erratic and sparse placement giving her a streaked appearance. Her edges are a strawberry milk color. She's just highly unusual and I wanted to offer her up. I don't think I've seen these anywhere else.

She measures in just at 3" across and has seven heads and is pupping. She ships bare root. 

Sorry, currently out of stock

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