Echeveria Debbie, Cristata (Massive)
This is the one some of you have been waiting for! I bought one of these a few weeks back, fully intending to list her on in-stocks, but I'm a collector too and I just couldn't pass her up. My policy is to always offer what I find to you guys first, but I just couldn't and I knew the farm had one more. Guys, she's the star of my little collection someone needs this beauty. These are dense cotton candy clusters, super full with a few regular heads popping through the 'bouquet.' Last photo was taken against a white background at 2:00 PM today, so pretty full sun/natural light.
I have measured this one against a normal ruler and rounded it against the cluster curve and I'm getting just a hair under 6" across. She has an older root system.
Sorry, currently out of stock