  • Echeveria Diamond State, Variegata
  • Echeveria Diamond State, Variegata
  • Echeveria Diamond State, Variegata

Echeveria Diamond State, Variegata

I saw this same plant listed about a week ago on a competing seller's site for $90. I want you guys to understand that things are market price and that our prices vary depending on the week and what the farm decides the going rate is. We were lucky enough to get a good price on this little guy, so we're passing that along to you. 

Diamond States are typically a red succulent, this variegated version throws deep mulberry shades. 

This hybrid is measuring in at about 4" across--  some of the petals are measuring in at a full 2" wide!! She is pulling a little moisture from one leaf at the moment, but she does have a small root ball of older roots, so hopefully she establishes with ease.



Sorry, currently out of stock

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