  • Echeveria Ebony Hybrid
  • Echeveria Ebony Hybrid
  • Echeveria Ebony Hybrid
  • Echeveria Ebony Hybrid
  • Echeveria Ebony Hybrid
  • Echeveria Ebony Hybrid

Echeveria Ebony Hybrid

This was an unsold from a past MIMM. She didn't sell because she was very expensive, and I get it. But, the hybrid farm charged us an arm and a leg for her, so my hands were tied. She is very pretty though and I know she's going to make an excellent addition to someone's rare collection. I'm going to reduce her price slightly tonight, we probably won't be reordering just because of the pricing on this hybrid, so this is the last chance on this gal. She's a double with a pup. They do go pretty red with stress. She's a bronze-y eggplant right now with a green center, if that's a thing :)

You can see her under natural light with our matte black prop tray (coming soon!). And in her original grower pics. 

She measures in at just about 3" across, and has an older root system. 


Sorry, currently out of stock

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