  • Echeveria Lenore Dean, Cluster

Echeveria Lenore Dean, Cluster

Please note we have had a change to our shipping policy. You will select your shipping service on your first order each week. You will not be charged any additional shipping on subsequent orders. Please scroll down for more information.


Lenore Dean is also called Compton Carousel. These are notorious divas, this is not a great rare succulent to add to your collection if you're new. These have had a cult following since the first day they made their way onto the rare succulent scene. These are supposed to be the variegated form of E. Imbricata, but the leaf texture is a lot thinner on Lenore Dean. These may very well be a form of Imbricata, but the leaf thickness is very different in the variegated form and it makes it highly susceptible to over/under watering, sunburn and cold. 

We still offer this plant because so many people love this plant, but these are tricky. We will guarantee our Lenore Deans for 30 days. If you purchase this and have any problems please drop us a line at 

This cluster has four heads and is measuring in at about 4.5" across. Stem only, please allow her time to settle in before you start a watering schedule.

Our photos and videos were taken today. This plant was listed to our site on February 6th, 2022. Plants shown may be exhibiting winter stress coloration. 

Cedar Creek Farmhouse Identification Number: 02062220 (you will find this number on the ID stake shipped with your plant. You can type the ID # in our search bar at any time to review the our original photos and item description).  

Sorry, currently out of stock

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