  • Echeveria Monocerotis, Variegata Triple
  • Echeveria Monocerotis, Variegata Triple
  • Echeveria Monocerotis, Variegata Triple
  • Echeveria Monocerotis, Variegata Triple

Echeveria Monocerotis, Variegata Triple

We have three very pretty little Monocerotis rosettes up next. Each is very different, each is very small. It's a great starter plant if you don't want to fork out major bucks to have something like this in your collection (and luckily we're at the start of the growing season). Monocerotis are hardy little rosettes. This third one is  a triple, and measures just over an inch across.

Presales in this category will ship within three weeks of your order date. Colors may be a result of plant stress, so she may change colors in the warmer months.

The photos for this plant were taken in April of 2019. 



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