Echeveria Silvia, Double
These photos were taken today Sunday, December 15th, 2019, under partial natural sunlight and some artificial lighting (to counteract shadows). Today was overcast. It was very chilly out today, so where I thought it was appropriate some plants will only have one photo today. Anything that needed additional angles have multiple photos for you to consider.
These Silvias tend to keep raspberry freckles. It's a newer cultivar to my knowledge, we've only had a few of them. This one is prettier than our photographs, it was overcast today. She's warm orange on her outerleaves, but her interior new growth is pretty green. She's measuring in at about 3.25" across, bare roots with some fresh roots starting to sprinkle in. This is the last one of these we have this year.
Cedar Creek Farmhouse Identification Number: 085306
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