  • Echeveria Simulans Ascension
  • Echeveria Simulans Ascension
  • Echeveria Simulans Ascension

Echeveria Simulans Ascension

These photos were taken Saturday evening and all of the plants arrived June 29th, 2019, so this is how things are currently shipping :)

I took a quick look of these online to make sure ours was priced fair for current market prices. These are kind of all over the map in terms of color and shape on typical online marketplaces. This is how we've always seen them when ordering from Korea, dainty rosettes with almost ruffled leaves (you can see more of that on the side profile). This is the only one that we pulled from our racks this week, she didn't import yesterday and is putting out some fresh roots already. She's measuring in at 1.75" across and has a nice, mature (wood-like) stem. She's throwing soft rose golds and lilac at her center. Prettier in person than our photos. 



Sorry, currently out of stock

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