  • Echeveria Sp. Cristata
  • Echeveria Sp. Cristata
  • Echeveria Sp. Cristata

Echeveria Sp. Cristata

Starting off today with a stunner! We listed one of these last night and she didn't last two minutes. This is from the same grower, I bought a couple of these, but I don't have many left and he doesn't have anymore available at the moment. This one is smaller than the one we listed last night, but she is super full. She measures in at just about 3.25" across. Not exactly sure what this crest is mixed with, it may be a Debbie. She is brilliant pink right now with lavendar accents. These were so pretty I had to keep one for myself. Fan stem, truly a spectacular succulent. Very sparse roots, but she will root easily within just a few weeks.

Sorry, currently out of stock

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