  • Echeveria Trumso
  • Echeveria Trumso
  • Echeveria Trumso

Echeveria Trumso

I've been on the hunt for a larger, chubbier, more sun-kissed Trumso for a few weeks now. I managed to get my hands on one that was the size of my open palm for my collection and I've been hunting for something similar for an in-stock upload ever since. This one is not quite that large, but she is very chubby. She has a scar on the underside of one of her leaves. I didn't remove it because I didn't want to mess with her symmetry, these are pretty asymmetrical anyway, but I will leave that up to you to decide if you would like to remove it. She measures in at just about 2" across and ships bare root. This is one of the fattest I've seen.

Sorry, currently out of stock

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