  • Graptoveria Mrs. Richards, (Cluster)
  • Graptoveria Mrs. Richards, (Cluster)
  • Graptoveria Mrs. Richards, (Cluster)

Graptoveria Mrs. Richards, (Cluster)

Now before you run and cart this cluster please know I expect her to lose some of these leaves. This is a hard one to import and these super bright mango leaves are on the way out. She will replenish them in just a few month's time and this is a very bright peachy one when under the right conditions. I will guarantee her for 30 days, so if you have any problems whatsoever just drop us a line, but please expect some leaf loss with this cluster. I have listed her a little less than what we usually retail this cultivar for to compensate for the expected leaf consumption. I'm going to instruct our staff not to pull any wilted leaves of this one, that should help with the transition to her new home.  

She measures in at just about 4" across, old/sparse root system, but should start putting out fresh starts soon. 


Sorry, currently out of stock

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