LAST CHANCE SALE! Echeveria Girba's Rose
This is a new thing we're doing this year, we should have a few 'sale' plants at the end of every In Stock upload. This is the end of the line for this pretty little 'Rose.' It was first posted in Randoms and we've given it two weeks to find her forever home, it's time to retire her to our collection, but first we want to offer her to you here during our In-Stock listings for 50% off. We will do this with most of our unsold cultivars (unless we have an interest in breeding them and we did keep one of theses).
I don't understand why you guys didn't fall in love with this one, I sure did, especially in person. I kept one for my collection, but I know whoever snags this other one up will love her. The last photo here is the closest to her actual in-person colors. This Girba's Rose is measuring in at about 2.5" across. Sparse, older roots.
Sorry, currently out of stock