  • Pachyphytum Sp., Double
  • Pachyphytum Sp., Double
  • Pachyphytum Sp., Double

Pachyphytum Sp., Double

This one takes my breath away. Pachys were crazy difficult over the summer, but this one has come in nice and firm and absolutely breathtaking. She's throwing farina coated peaches and is just a sight to behold in person.

This Pachyphytum Sp. measures in at just over 4" across. Stems feel nice and firm and she has a decent older root system. She does have a what I call 'age spot' on one of her most mature leaves (probably sunburn), she will end up losing it soon, so it's nothing too major. There is a tiny spot on one of her newer leaves, but it's nothing that takes away from the beauty of this double. 


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