  • PRESALE Echeveria Eiria, (Not so Random)
  • PRESALE Echeveria Eiria, (Not so Random)
  • PRESALE Echeveria Eiria, (Not so Random)
  • PRESALE Echeveria Eiria, (Not so Random)
  • PRESALE Echeveria Eiria, (Not so Random)

PRESALE Echeveria Eiria, (Not so Random)

This is a perfectly stressed Eiria. Under proper conditions in the winter these take on an almost translucent quality. They're really beautiful. In the summer they will go green, so if you're looking for year-round tangerine this is not the cultivar for you. She's going to measure in at just under 2" across. Last two pictures is for your reference of an Eiria we sold about this same time last year.

Plant Name: Echeveria Eiria

Size at Maturity: This plant should max out at about 3-4" inches across, however we have seen some just stop growing at smaller rosette sizes and some that just keep going, so it varies on the plant.

Stress colors: At the height of stress this plant exhibits almost a translucent quality that is very different to most succulents. It's hard to describe, but you can almost see through their tangerine kissed skin on some plants. Very pretty. Some develop raspberry or rust freckles. 

Care Instructions: Typical succulent care, no known special requirements. Will actively grow from late spring-late summer, will be semi-dormant in winter through early spring.  

Cedar Creek Farmhouse Identification Number: 044906

Date Listed: 3.6.19

Presales in this category will ship within three weeks of your order date. Colors may be a result of plant stress, so she may change colors in the warmer months.

The photos for this plant were taken in March of 2019.  



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