  • PRESALE Echeveria Harry Watson (Albino?), (Not so Random)
  • PRESALE Echeveria Harry Watson (Albino?), (Not so Random)

PRESALE Echeveria Harry Watson (Albino?), (Not so Random)

I have bought a few Harry Watsons in the past for in-stocks, but I always end up keeping them. I know, shame on me. They're just so pretty. The farm had this one titled as a Harry Watson, but traditionally those have a wide green margin running through the middle of the leaf. All I can think is this double is a rare fully albino one that is thriving. She will be small, I don't know the exact dimensions, but I would guess 1.75" across. Albinos don't always do well, but if she fails to thrive in the first 60 days, I'm easy guys, just let me know. 

**Guaranteed by Christmas** This Harry Watson was ordered on November 18th, 2018, ETA on this is approximately December 19th, 2018 (may come in sooner and will ship as soon as it arrives). There is always free shipping on live plant products.  

Sorry, currently out of stock

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