  • PRESALE Echeveria Monocerotis, Variegata, (Not So Random)
  • PRESALE Echeveria Monocerotis, Variegata, (Not So Random)
  • PRESALE Echeveria Monocerotis, Variegata, (Not So Random)

PRESALE Echeveria Monocerotis, Variegata, (Not So Random)

Sneaking one or two in on you this afternoon. No text alert was sent out, this is just an on-the-fly listing. She wasn't apart of any Random upload. I sometimes throw things in the Random category at Random :)

This is a highly variegated beauty measuring in at about 1.75" across. She will mature out at about 3" across. 

Presales in this category will ship within three weeks of your order date. Colors may be a result of plant stress, so she may change colors in the warmer months.

The photos for this plant were taken in May of 2019. 



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