PRESALE Echeveria Pebbles, (Not so Random)
This Pebbles is a creamy tangerine. This Pebbles is not as symmetrical as the last one and is being offered at a slight discount as a result. These tend to develop a darker center in times of stress, usually a raspberry color. Unfortunately this particular farm does not give us measurements on the plants. She should measure in at about 2" across, being conservative, but this is just an estimation.
Plant Name: Echeveria Pebbles
Size at Maturity: about 3-4" across
Stress colors: Typically creams and pinks, every once in a while they'll produce a yellow or golden color, like this one. May develop a darker center with additional stress, usually deep pink or raspberry.
Care Instructions: Typical succulent care, no known special requirements. Will actively grow from late spring-late summer, will be semi-dormant in winter through early spring.
Cedar Creek Farmhouse Identification Number: 045706
Date Listed: 3.6.19
Presales in this category will ship within three weeks of your order date. Colors may be a result of plant stress, so she may change colors in the warmer months.
The photos for this plant were taken in March of 2019.
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