  • PRESALE Echeveria Red Velvet, (Random)
  • PRESALE Echeveria Red Velvet, (Random)
  • PRESALE Echeveria Red Velvet, (Random)

PRESALE Echeveria Red Velvet, (Random)

Sorry guys! I have just seen these pretty Velvets listed in another shop that I respect at a much, much lower price. The price they're being retailed for in that store is 50% of my wholesale cost (before shipping is even factored in), so until I can find a better source for these I'm going to suggest checking around. I haven't seen them available that low anywhere yet and this price and listing came from the actual farm selling them, but I do trust the US shop I've seen these at and for time being I'm going to make these unavailable (I don't want anyone to pay more for them here when I have seen them for less elsewhere).

The price we had ours set at is the current market price in Korea. One farm developed an incredible hybrid and released it to a few select nurseries throughout Korea. The origin farm has set the price of this hybrid and we have not seen it available at any secondary farms for less than this yet, it's almost the exact same price across every nursery we've seen it at. I have seen a few doubles in this same price range, but the symmetry and size on these were what caught my eye. It's also been the first place we could order multiples at one time.

This is a brand new release and all of the nurseries are using the same name for it, they're calling it Red Velvet. I do anticipate the price will drop in South Korea and you'll see a price drop with us as well when that happens and we will make them available at that time. I really just wanted you to see them and get familiar with this beautiful new hybrid.

I have asked our agent on the ground if he thought this was worth the asking price and he said 'yes, these are very beautiful' but he also advised me to wait until the price drops a little. But, I wanted to show you now and let you know these are available (and if you really, really want one just email me). We have ordered five, but in light of seeing these being offered at this lower price point from another reputable shop we will just retire them to our breeding program. These will be about 2" across. 

Plant Name: Echeveria Red Velvet (Most likely a Helena Hybrid)

Size at Maturity: This plant should max out at about 3-4" across, we're mainly seeing these being offered as doubles with our farms right now. We liked the size and symmetry on the singles. 

Stress colors: These can be a very soft shade of creamy coconut all the way up to a vibrant pink. In the winter they will have the raspberry centers.  

Notable Qualities: This is a brand new cultivar for 2019. Still extremely expensive in the farms we purchase from. Our agent has suggested we wait until the price drops a little, we have seen these at one of the other big succulent shops for less than our wholesale cost, so right now we're advising you to look around, but we do have some of these on order. 

Care Instructions: Typical succulent care, no known special requirements. Will actively grow from late spring-late summer, will be semi-dormant in winter through early spring.  

Cedar Creek Farmhouse Identification Number: 201902

Date Listed: 3.9.19

Presales in this category will ship within three weeks of your order date. Colors may be a result of plant stress, so she may change colors in the warmer months.

The photos for this plant were taken in March of 2019. 



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