PRESALE Echeveria Tolimanensis, (Random)
If you are site-stalking this is the last one we have tonight. If you have checked this page at a later time we did not send out a text for tonight's mini-upload. We will absolutely send out text alerts on uploads of 15 or more plants, but we don't want to spam your phones and we like to keep things interesting.
These plants look almost otherworldly. I do not know if the colors have been manipulated here by the farm. We rely as much as you guys do on the farm photos, but we have not adjusted the color whatsoever on these shots and we just had to take a chance on these. They look like the farina is throwing an aqua sort of shade of blue on top of a bronze skin. The color combination is really unique and we bought every one they had. Each Tolimanesis pictured here measures in at about 1.75-2" across.
These Tolimanensis were reordered on October 2nd, 2018, ETA on these are approximately October 26th, 2018 (they may come in sooner and will ship as soon as they arrive). There is always free shipping on live plant products.
Sorry, currently out of stock