  • (RESERVED) Special Hybrid Request
  • (RESERVED) Special Hybrid Request
  • (RESERVED) Special Hybrid Request

(RESERVED) Special Hybrid Request

We got your request for the Akaru, unfortunately this was being sold by one small farm in South Korea that went out of business. What they sent us last time wasn't as pretty as the pictures either. So, we did a little digging at another farm we like that does some neat Pachyphytum hybrids. His plants sometimes ship a little dehydrated and they're always very, very small, but typically really pretty.  

Plant Name: Pachyphytum Sp. (Farm calls it a 'Transformers'... so incredibly corny, but I couldn't help but look up the old TV show my brother used to make me watch in the '80s... Transformers... More than meets the eye.")

Size at Maturity: Based on my experience with this farm's hybrids I anticipate this will stay pretty small, I would estimate that it will eventually max out at around 2" across. 

Stress colors: Bronze, browns and may have blue accents certain times of the year.  

Notable Qualities: This farm produces their own exclusive hybrids. 

Care Instructions: Typical succulent care, no known special requirements. Will actively grow from late spring-late summer, will be semi-dormant in winter through early spring.  

Cedar Creek Farmhouse Identification Number: 045810

Date Listed: 3.8.19

Special Requests will be moved to Random Randoms at the end of 72 hours of posting in this category. If you need more time just send us an email to Otherwise we'll assume this plant didn't meet your requirements and it will be made available to our other customers. Presales in this category will ship within three weeks of your order date. Colors may be a result of plant stress, so she may change colors in the warmer months.


Sorry, currently out of stock

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