  • PRESALE Myrtillocactus Geometrizans Fukurokuryuzinboku, (Random)
  • PRESALE Myrtillocactus Geometrizans Fukurokuryuzinboku, (Random)
  • PRESALE Myrtillocactus Geometrizans Fukurokuryuzinboku, (Random)

PRESALE Myrtillocactus Geometrizans Fukurokuryuzinboku, (Random)

I'm a lady, so I won't say her common name on our website, but you know what this is and she is sought after high and low. She will measure in at about 3"-5" tall, no guarantees on measurements, but these beautiful cacti can get over 15' when fully mature, so it will definitely get you started. 

Presales in this category will ship within three weeks of your order date. Colors may be a result of plant stress, so she may change colors in the warmer months.

The photos for this plant were taken in May of 2019. 



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