  • SALE! Echeveria Crispate Beauty

SALE! Echeveria Crispate Beauty

Nice sized Crispate Beauty-- these were insanely pricey at the beginning of winter! These come from Brazil and they've slowly started making their way into retailers so prices are starting to come down a little, but this is still a steal!!

She's measuring in at about 3.5" across, but she shipped thirsty to prevent rot (this has some Laui in the parentage). She has some wrinkling of her lower leaves and some creases. These are extremely easy to care for and she will bounce back, probably without losing more than a leaf or two.

Reason this cultivar is on sale: Post transit imperfections/thirsty 

Size: Just a hair over 3.5" across

Rooted? Fresh roots starting to form

Grade: 7-8

Retail Price (if perfect): Our prices on this cultivar are still market price, meaning they vary a little from cultivating farm to cultivating farm. Had this one shipped perfectly she would have retailed for $85.

This product was listed to our site on July 4th, 2022. Our photos and videos were taken within the last 24  hours. Plants shown may be exhibiting UV stress coloration. 

Cedar Creek Farmhouse Identification Number: 07042212 (you will find this number on the ID stake shipped with your plant. You can type the ID # in our search bar at any time to review the our original photos and item description).  

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