SALE! Echeveria Fairy Queen
This little Fairy Queen struggled during transit, some of these do. We already have a few in cultivation and wanted to share this special priced one with you guys tonight. She's not perfect and is using some of her lower leaves (some of which are very wrinkled). She's also a bit smaller than some of the Fairy Queens we've seen in the past.
Reason this cultivar is on sale: Poor post transit quality, thirsty
Size: about 2" across
Rooted? Some fresh roots just starting to form
Grade: 6-7
Retail Price (if perfect): We retail this cultivar at about $40, depending on size, quality and availability
This product was listed to our site on May 15th, 2022. Plants shown may be exhibiting UV stress coloration.
Cedar Creek Farmhouse Identification Number: 05152217 (you will find this number on the ID stake shipped with your plant. You can type the ID # in our search bar at any time to review the our original photos and item description).
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