  • SALE! Echeveria Red Velvet

SALE! Echeveria Red Velvet

This Red Velveet is losing her winter colors and has started to go green for the summer.

Reason this cultivar is on sale: Lack of stress colors

Size: 2.5" across

Rooted? Some fresh roots starting to form

Photos and Videos taken on: 3.19.22

Grade: 8-9

Retail Price (if perfect): We retail this cultivar at about $30-$35, depending on size, quality and availability 

Our photos and videos were taken yesterday, March 19th, 2022. Plants shown may be exhibiting winter stress coloration. 

Cedar Creek Farmhouse Identification Number: 03192263 (you will find this number on the ID stake shipped with your plant. You can type the ID # in our search bar at any time to review the our original photos and item description).  

Sorry, currently out of stock

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