  • Sale! Echeveria 'Colina'
  • Sale! Echeveria 'Colina'
  • Sale! Echeveria 'Colina'
  • Sale! Echeveria 'Colina'

Sale! Echeveria 'Colina'

I usually check our pricing against other sellers in the marketplace in real time to make sure you're getting a good deal for each plant we list. I have found very nice quality specimens of these for a little less than the one we had on sale here before. So, I will refund the buyer a little for the first one as well. Each farm prices their plants out individually, so each plant varies in cost a little from farm to farm, but we try to keep our prices competitive in the marketplace for you and I'll adjust the other one out for our first buyer.

These came in a little more open that I had hoped for, the last photo is what this plant looked like before leaving the farm. 

Reason this cultivar is on sale: Dropped color, opened

Size: 2" across

Rooted? Mature roots from the cultivating farm

Photos taken on: 5.29.20

Grade: 7

Retail Price (if perfect): if perfect about $20

Cedar Creek Farmhouse Identification Number: 094513 (you will find this number on the ID stake shipped with your plant. You can type the ID # in our search bar at any time to review the our original photos and item description).  

Sale Succulents are not always premium quality, please check the above description for information about this succulent and why it is on sale. This succulent was listed to our site on May 29th, 2020, photos were taken today.

This plant is in house, has been checked for quality and is ready to be shipped. This plant came out of our Cold Stock Room and colors may be a result of cold stress and they may change. You must allow time for your plant to acclimate to room temperatures before moving her outside to full sun/heat.

Please make sure you truly want this plant before you checkout, we do not allow order cancellations due to a very demanding shipping schedule.  We do however offer a satisfaction guarantee, so if you purchase this plant and she doesn't strike your fancy we will issue you a complimentary return label and store credit for the purchase price.

We ship Tuesday through Thursday for a Saturday delivery. If you would like a water propagation vessel those can be added on the checkout page. Single hole water propagation vessels are available with free shipping on outgoing orders.   


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