  • THE GOOD, THE BAD and The UGLY SALE! Echeveria Trumso
  • THE GOOD, THE BAD and The UGLY SALE! Echeveria Trumso
  • THE GOOD, THE BAD and The UGLY SALE! Echeveria Trumso

THE GOOD, THE BAD and The UGLY SALE! Echeveria Trumso

Alright guys, we do this about three times a year! Not many this go around, but some great steals tonight.

This Trumso is perfectly healthy, just severely misshapened for its breed. Center growth looks perfect. I think she pulled a few more mature leaves than she should have because she was supporting a pup on the trip over.

She's measuring in at 3" across, lots of fresh roots

Perfect this hybrid retails on our site for $35.


Sorry, currently out of stock

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