  • Custom Request - E. Secunda
  • Custom Request - E. Secunda
  • Custom Request - E. Secunda
  • Custom Request - E. Secunda

Custom Request - E. Secunda

These are from the same grower that grew the one in the white background pictured below. They come in a little closed up, but will open within a few weeks with bright lights. You can get these to go to an extreme blush by giving them adequate morning sun, just be careful not to leave them in full sun in the heat of the day or they will burn. These are more hardy than their Compton cousins. This first one measures in at just about 2.5" (still partially closed). It should be very comparable to the secunda we sold here. These have been ordered, but can take up to two weeks to ship. They will sometimes pull moisture from the outermost leaves during transit, but they usually behave pretty well. Priority shipping is included. 

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