Echeveria Ghidoric Iron
This is the second to last one of the evening. The next one will be the 'cart em while you can' listing. Thanks for hanging in there with me, guys! This was a big upload.
So, this crest is absolutely amazing. It's one of the most expensive ones I have brought in, but it's easy to see why. I've attached grower pics of this exact plant so you can see the colors he captured while she was in his care... just unbelievable. She doesn't measure in super large, but that's because her crest ripples and flows in such a way that it's hard to measure straight across. Some of her leaves are a little dry from transit, but she'll fill back out soon. She measures 5" straight across, but if I follow her crest with my tape measure the actual 'flow' of the crest is 10" in total. She ships with some roots and should establish rather quickly in her new home.
Sorry, currently out of stock