
Echeveria Red Dragon

Hey guys! Hope you are having a wonderful Saturday. I've had a nice one. I hope it's truly autumn where you are too, it hasn't quite hit the ATL yet. Got some fun stuff for you guys tonight, it's a light upload, but we're going to have some fun with it. 

Up first is a Red Dragon from our MIMM grower. These have always sold out, there hasn't ever been one that has made it more than a few minutes past the listing. I bought this one so we'd could list one in the in-stock category tonight, just a second chance kind of deal. She came in nicely. 

She measures in at just a hair under 1.5" across. Extremely fine roots starting, hard to see, but they're there. She should start putting out roots shortly, any new root growth is usually a sign she's about ready to start putting out fresh ones. 

Sorry, currently out of stock

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