PRESALE Echeveria cv Pearle von Nurnberg
I don't want you to roll your eyes at the classification of this one. These have some kind of South Korea voodoo on them, my understanding of these are that they are not a normal 'Pearle von Nurnbergs.' The grower has these classified as a 'cv' which means they should be true to type, however they are not growing like the classification they represent (what I call a mutation). In South Korea they call this particular Pearle von Nurnberg mutation a 'Lilac.' Almost all of these have this pale yellow halo around the purple centers. I do not know anymore than this, but I wanted to share what I did know on this one. They were just too pretty for me to pass up, I wanted to sprinkle in a few here tonight and see if you guys like them. This double measures just over 3" across.
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A little note about color intensity: The hue intensity you see here may be related to stress and watering schedule (thirsty plants look the brightest). Sometimes the succulents lose a little bit of this color in transit and in warmer temps. Rest assured these photos have not been enhanced, but there is a slight possibility that once the succulent arrives the hue intensity may be slightly different, but the color intensity will return with colder temps and stress.
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