PRESALE 'Gold Pie,' (Not so Random)
I look back on all of my favorites of my first year in business and this was up there (I sourced this particular first Randoms listing back with all of my favorites). These are incredibly rare. I don't even know the family name... she's simply known as 'Gold Pie.' Our grower had two, I keep the uglier of the two for breeding. We offered exactly two last year, they are that are and they shipped just like their picture... pink and fuzzy. I have never seen anything like them. She is going to measure in at about 3" across.
Plant Name: 'Gold Pie' (exact classification unknown)
Size at Maturity: Estimated at about 4-5" across.
Stress colors: A gorgeous shade of fuzzy, fuzzy pink.
Notable Qualities: We have three of these in a year's time. We have held one back and will be starting to propagate it in-house.
Care Instructions: Typical succulent care, no known special requirements. Will actively grow from late spring-late summer, will be semi-dormant in winter through early spring.
Cedar Creek Farmhouse Identification Number: 045003
Date Listed: 3.6.19
Presales in this category will ship within three weeks of your order date. Colors may be a result of plant stress, so she may change colors in the warmer months.
The photos for this plant were taken in March of 2019.
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