Special Requests Rules: Do not order this item unless you were sent an email invitation to purchase. Please be considerate of others, we don't put names on our requests to respect the privacy of the requester. If you purchase someone else's plant your order will be cancelled (and that creates a paperwork nightmare for our small staff, so please be respectful).
If the original requester passes then this plant will be marked available. Once it has been marked available anyone is permitted to purchase it.
If you would like to make a request of your own please visit our request site (link coming soon).
Plant Description: This is a Special Request for a Trumpet Pinky. These do pull some leaves as they settle in and she will likely lose some color over the warmer months. She measures in at about 2.5" across, a fair number of roots included from the cultivating farm.
Date Available: March 15th, 2021. Our invitation to checkout for this special request expires on until March 18th, 2021 (if you do not checkout before this date this plant will be made available to others). We ship Mondays and Tuesdays only, so if your order falls outside these dates it will ship the following week.
Cedar Creek Farmhouse Identification Number: SR03152102
Sorry, currently out of stock